
Launching Anchor Milk in Australia


Launching a new milk product by encouraging consumers to take a closer look at its benefits and reigniting people’s love of milk.



Milk was once a cornerstone of daily life. And while many people still drink it daily, there’s little connection beyond their morning cereal or coffee order. Our challenge was to launch this new brand of milk into an already crowded category with low consumer engagement and price competition.


Our solution was to make people think differently about milk by engaging a chef and restauranteur to create a fancy milk experience akin to a wine tasting.

Hosted at popular fromagerie Milk the Cow, the team curated a menu of specialty dishes for an exclusive invite list of influencers and stakeholders, which were paired with a cold milk flight (tasting).

This was supported by a raft of video content, including an animation detailing the farm-to-table process, as well as a behind the scenes look at the people and production. We also launched an EGN campaign looking at the benefits and features of Anchor Milk, including its longer shelf life.

The Results

As a result, the nation began to talk about milk. This was boosted by 42 pieces of media coverage including 12 tier-one EGN articles, five food and lifestyle pieces, five TV news spots and 9 blog posts. Overall, our campaign reached 8.2 million people.