Ambulance VIC

Tackling cardiac arrest


Launching Ambulance Victoria’s new lifesaving smartphone app, GoodSAM. The app helps save lives by alerting qualified first responders to a nearby cardiac arrest after a call is made to Triple Zero.



When it comes to saving lives, one of the most important aspects is a fast response. We had the privilege of working with Ambulance Victoria to drive public awareness, defibrillator and first responder app registrations for GoodSAM ahead of their launch.


Combining real-world, human stories with robust data and research, we developed a launch strategy that targeted national, metro and regional media.

The media package included emotive video and content assets that were repurposed for the media launch event, which we led in conjunction with the Premier’s Office, emergency services partners and case studies.


We received an overwhelming response with 3,500 emergency responders and 4500 defibrillator registrations secured before the launch. And incredibly, two lives were saved in the app’s pilot phase.

From a media perspective, a total of 740 pieces of coverage were generated – six times the quantity KPI​. These pieces had a total reach of 110 million and an average Impact Score of 87 out of 100. Recruitment and case study videos also exceeded the 1,000-views target within three months of publishing.