Introducing Reef Credits
Announcing HSBC and the Queensland Government’s world-first Reef Credit purchase and educating the world as to what Reef Credits are and how they work.
The environmental markets sector is notoriously complex. With much of the world still grappling with the concept of carbon credits, how do you introduce a new, innovative credit product to save our Reef? Our challenge was to introduce the initiative and drive action from other corporate entities.
As the first Reef Credits purchaser, we wanted to really emphasise HSBC’s leadership in sustainability and the benefits of Reef Credits on one of Australia’s most loved natural wonders – the Great Barrier Reef.
Through a heartfelt content campaign, we introduced the farmers impacted by the initiative and showcased just how big a difference purchasing Reef Credits can make.
And at the same time, we highlighted GreenCollar’s role in environmental stewardship.
This was rolled out via a fully integrated campaign: advertising, social, content, film and PR – each with specific messages designed to educate and speak to target audiences on the things (and channels) that matter most to them.
The results were phenomenal with our campaign collecting coverage and impacting people globally. Our PR specialists secured 103 stories including on BBC World News, Reuters, the Australian Financial Review and ABC News Breakfast.
As a result of this media, we reached more than 220 million people for an Impact Score of 83 out of 100 and a 100% multiple key message cut-through. Our digital content educated 300,000 people on the potential of Reef Credits, while our advertising activity brought the message to 100,000 corporates in a way that championed HSBC and set the example for the corporate sector.